Thursday, June 14, 2007

happy thursday

well, a fairly productive day as it were. I was able to make good progress on a site design; manage some project variables that have been up in the air for far too long; and talk a inspection ticket from $135 down to $10 (which is always a refreshing experience).

now its time to finalize a schedule and prepare for tonight's 6:30 softball game. nothing like listening the cubs take the lead in the 8th to motivate one for outside ball playing (provided they can hold on of course).

perhaps i'll even watch the final (assumed) game of the nba playoffs tonight. who knows what fun awaits.

Update: "CUBS WIN! CUBS WIN!, YES!" nothing quite like the radio transmitted excitement (XM Radio - thanks Mom & Dad).

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

movie time!

so it has been a long slog of a work day today; just one of those constant task - intermediate goal days. at least its almost over.

and for this evening i'm going to see knocked up.

i'll carry the same expectations that I did for the 40-year old virgin: very low. let's see if they can be exceeded yet again.

Update: spot review = quite funny. its a mix of hilarity with reality - a la 40-year old virgin but on a much more relate-able level. the only scene i have an issue with is the draft scene: who doesn't look for a car outside the 'house of concern'; and how are there not at least 10 vehicles present in a suburban neighborhood? a semi-necessary plot point that could have been done better.

that is all.


so HOA meetings are fun as always; we are slowly coming together as a board / collection of individuals. it is always good when a general understanding and consensus develops; ours currently is that the management company's choice of contractor for all repairs and monthly maintenance has, and continues to overcharge us for a nebulous scope of services provided. odd how a foil or rallying theme is needed to unite a group and overcome the egos, flaws, and bickering of individuals; but that is the way things have always been with groups of people.

and billy's was excellent as usual; i need to somehow gather a community group and begin socializing out with them as well. not a bad idea with a brew pub and excellent bbq within walking/biking distance. that and the spurs continued their dominance of the nba finals; which offers a bit of amusement. it is entertaining to live in a collage town with such proximity to san antonio where a great percentage of basketball fans are die hard spurs fans. as with all true non-local teams; it is intriguing to see this connection between locality and fandom. also, i was able to watch a bit of the bulls - jazz nba final from back in 1997; which seems like forever ago. it is odd to see an event which at the time was thought paramount in its importance and focus; only to be revisited with perspective.

well, a fun day of work awaits.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Billy's tonight

reminder time…

It's that time of the week. come by anytime in the mid-early-or late evening. good food shall be had and two dollar beers will be sampled. for those of you inclined, there will be a game of sport on the television depicting an anointed cavalier attempting to tame a spurred horse.


see the link for uncle billy's on the sidebar for more info.

tasty morning

well, as noted - there is nothing quite like a morning ride to enliven the soul and prepare one for a day's toils.

and for some odd reason I am still here at 7:30; before 80-plus percent of our office; go figure.

Monday, June 11, 2007

well, a busy day of thinking: complex designs at work are oh so much fun.

time for a nice ride home in order to force a waking morning commute.


soup contest

well, funny enough - i for the first time; am more that happy to have received 2nd place in a contest.

David (of soup peddler fame: see link on sidebar) solicited suggestions for visionary ideas concerning the future of his soupie empire. As usual I enjoy analysis and contemplation of successful situations and enterprises. With commentary and input solicited I mulled options and ideas over in my head as I often do for most issues: during a lunch ride through the hills and along the creeks of west austin. After initial thought I actually put my ramblings to paper while relaxing at O'Hare airport (I've found it odd how airports are such a muse for writing, but it is there often the mood does strike). Final transcribing and one further edit produced the second place winner; more so because the focus was reasonable analysis and usual recommendations rather than options I thought too out-of-the box or small scale.

The winning vision was a CO-OP; which I dismissed as untenable in my inner evaluation. I view them as this more so because of my participation on far too many committees and groups where the frailties and conflict aspects of personalities tend to show themselves. While I am sure a small collaborative is possible, I have yet to see one operate effectively over a long period of time with a singular vision and agreement on how to implement such a vision. The frailties and egos of the human condition present problems that cannot often be solved without a strong leader; which defeats the true spirit of a CO-OP.

Well, for those interested further: please go see the contest results.
so another good weekend; almost summer.

it always good to help friends celebrate promotions; especially when you some day hope to move 'up' yourself. it gives a glimmer of hope for corporate culture and organization. plus i was able to make some excellent chicken-mole themed appetizers; which were quite good.

of course celebrating until the wee hours of the morning is always best followed by awakening at 6:30, driving 30-odd minutes, and playing a soccer game in the morning humidity. but it is a great way to begin a day; especially when i can anchor a defense that keeps a clean sheet and goes on to win 3-0. oddly enough the late night - early morning activity make for a forced relaxing afternoon and added incentive to sit by a pool, cool off, and relax. the height of the afternoon was visiting our semi shut-in friends and grilling with them and some of their relatives.

now we return to work; it should be a productive week full of the usual things. hopefully something new and unusual as well.