Friday, February 26, 2010

lagoa bisque

lagoa bisque, originally uploaded by .solo..
second visits with Kim, Chris, Dean & Lindsay allow for comprehensive trials. random choosing yielded excellent selections.

the cheese balls (pão de queijo): amazing sublime taste and texture: a cross of gnocchi & Mochi ice cream. three varietals

soup, yucca frites, pastels (multitudes of types): all perfectly balanced


Thursday, February 25, 2010

French 76

French 76, originally uploaded by .solo..
a Justine's favorite; in addition to the food of course.

preferred with just a twist of lemon; but still one of the best cocktails. discovered more than a year ago at the favorite, but not as often currently visited, Peche.

French 76 - a combination of the 75 & 77
gin, fresh lemon juice, st germain & champagne

Monday, February 22, 2010

skeletal dancing

skeletal dancing, originally uploaded by .solo..

one of the better dancing 'puppets'

a photo to complement the video

Sunday, February 21, 2010

2010 carnival brasileiro

Originally uploaded by .solo.
the rhythm of drums mandates dance. costumed masked happy painted people mingle freely and happily. a night of performance and community; brazilian sourced