Wednesday, March 7, 2007

no cars go

so this week is too long. three 11-12 hour days in a row so far and counting. almost burned out...

i'm planning on getting a morning's worth of coordination work in tomorrow and then transitioning to vacation mode. i need to pack, relax, and get ready for enlightened travel and new experiences.(and practice a bit of an english accent)

only a short bit longer.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Arcade Fire leaves its mark - Life & Arts

Arcade Fire leaves its mark - Life & Arts

One Very, Very Indie Band

well, I pre-ordered my copy on Amazon this past Sunday (and free S&H with Amazon Prime) so I should get this tomorrow in time for my trip!

Oh - and I checked the forecast for next week: typical england. highs in the 50s with misty rain / clouds; so its time to layer up and bring all of my biking/camping clothes that are so very well suited as they are light and water resistant.

Monday, March 5, 2007

the weekend in pictures; probably the best way to sum up the spring and reasons i love this town.

town lake on my return home.
taken from congress bridge

afternoon kite festival
picnicking families, dogs, & couples

the sky teems with kites.
and as almost every year; it is a perfect day for kit flying

the demolished intel building from last sunday

yes, implosions are fun!

very large professional kites as well.