Tuesday, June 10, 2008

just a bit of change

well, here we are again.

i've pretty much let go the random narratives of introspective blog posting and random updates as it takes just a bit more time than i tend to have in a day. i do enjoy the freeing random musings; but since life's happenings trend towards the routine on a micro scale but change drastically if looked at in a long view, its hard to write fresh and about things of interest.

so since april: i was able to take excellent trips to DC and the derby in louisville. my 30th birthday was celebrated throughout the week with various activities and relaxings. valerie and i decided to relegate our relationship from 'couple' to 'friends' which now leaves me in the unusual state of singleness. i continue to look for challenging work opportunities that will be mutually beneficial and afford me a path to excel. also, it is summer (not technically, but it feels as such); my favorite time of year.

i'll likely be relating through facebook and my flickr page (via photos). but who knows? i could always update this page every once in a while...