Thursday, March 4, 2010

planned banh mi

planned bah minh, originally uploaded by .solo..
the wonders of work and lunchtime routines.

once upon a time lunch was mother morning made and packed into either a sturdy (ranging from metal to plastic) lunchbox with possible thermos accompaniment and toted to work or school where it was placed in a safe corner for several hours while lessons were learned or tasks were toiled.

eventually boxes of lunch gave way to cafeteria and restaurant fare enabled both by the ease associated with acquired lunches and the subsidization of food.

it seems that folks have transitioned to regard lunch as a type of pit-stop meal where the quality and enjoyment of food is not paramount as is a pivot point in the day mandated by those who create schedules.

finding a balance between those two while remaining productive remains a challenge.

shown: a desk banh mi (favorite vietnamese sandwich) interpretation created from the following:
Walton's demi baguette
Countryside pork loin
Boggy Creek greens
Full Quiver Farms kimchi
Dai Due liverwurst

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Service up

Service up, originally uploaded by .solo..

an afternoon of busy usual things: balletfit flexibility; balanced single speed commute night cycling; a mug of craft pale ale camping planning with friends.

unknown dinner plans and Foer's 'Everything is Illuminated' waiting leads to short order fridge cooking. it surprises and entertains that the ingredients, techniques and skills are in place to transform the best of local ingredients into what I humbly consider a very fine meal. the dilemma is that with such revelations come the expectations and understanding that a certain cost structure and price point exist; and at this juncture it is either worthwhile to partake & purchase well made quality food or that one is paying an unreasonable premium for substandard average tasting, overpriced, unhealthy & unsustainable fare...

Monday, March 1, 2010

pedernales falls

pedernales falls, originally uploaded by .solo..

the coming of spring; slowly.

plenty of fall & winter rains allow for hill country bubbling falls, flowing talkative rivers & blooming wildflowers.

happy respite outside of the concrete jungle of busy schedules & routines.