Monday, June 20, 2011

Market farm house; morning roundup

just another summer saturday: tomato season fully sprouting regardless of inferno temperatures and continued lack of rain.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

X Factor acquisition

X Factor acquisition by .solo.
X Factor acquisition, a photo by .solo. on Flickr.

river proximate motivations now realized. a dream has always been to live on an estuary, ocean, or large lake; but river explorations should suffice for the moment.

now to figure logistics of house to river kayak put-in. that and lola fishing training...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fractals & bubbles

Fractals & bubbles, originally uploaded by .solo..

patterns of nature

repetitive consistent random modeled events: math + food.

Still white city

Still white city, originally uploaded by .solo..

the joys of northern bred pre-dawn inklings of fallen snow...

pristine blanketed streets commuted; warm quiet office productivity and stories of foreboding and woe from natives attempting regular activities balanced with shouts of glee from those for whom an inch and a half of powder is impressive.

this is winter in Austin

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Culinary muses

Culinary muses, originally uploaded by .solo..

Prohibition era gin, dub 45, ad hoc Keller inspirations: all muses for culinary creativity.

I'm getting more and more comfortable making pie dough (this time it was goat milk butter and local Richardson Farms flour). This comes with the realization that there are exceptional permutations of fillings to explore. Yesterday's filling was pureed roasted squash and fennel with sauteed greens, onions, carrots and herbs (seared pork, fennel fronds, and eggs completed).

Many many cultures have already fully explored this media but for some odd reason winter creativity currently strikes in this vein. It'll likely last till spring where fresh vegetables and simple preparations again overtake the warm hearth of oven wintered creativity.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Crispy Pig Trotters

Crispy Pig Trotters, originally uploaded by .solo..

another year beginning and the realization that restaurant openings coincide with the new year. unfortunately so does the post holiday exhaustion that accompanies family congregations, travel, and general merriment.

new places to visit: Haddington's, Barley Swine, Backspace, Second Bar & Kitchen, Trace at the W, as well as others; three down two to go

also difficult to stay loyal to those bars & restaurants that are favorites; one can only go out so often...