Friday, April 20, 2007

'Hot Fuzz' a different genre of foreign film - Life & Arts

'Hot Fuzz' a different genre of foreign film - Life & Arts

So today's activities: work; greenbelt hike / bike; relax with brew and bbq; a good kickball game; and then the aforementioned movie.

Should be a fine friday. Oh - and thursday turned out great as well. I was able to visit my latest design - a large multi-staged wet pond / storm system that is under construction in conjunction with a elementary school. After that - service awards at the oasis on Lake Travis (it is amazing how different it looks post-fire). Finished the night with a great softball game - it went 11 innings (6 extra innings of tie ball with my team ending up loosing by 2 runs).

Machen Sie zu viel spass on diesen Freitag.

1 comment:

little leenie said...

hot fuzz was kick ass hilarious