Wednesday, June 27, 2007

rain can't keep me down

so the watering and lake filling season continues: which is good; although I'd much prefer a balanced rain schedule every year rather than this monsoon / drought yearly trade-off.

i was able to frolic in the park yesterday along with throngs of other people: it is odd and refreshing how the middle of summer can approximate a northern spring when everyone goes outside at the earliest sign of allowable weather.

my lunch ride just concluded and it was quite enjoyable; especially considering the extreme side winds (with gusts!) and a mid-ride flat tire.

these rides accomplish several things: the allowing my mind to clear itself; physical release; and the almost free thinking that can occur as those two processes progress. usually i can consider matters of life; solutions for work projects and complicated designs; or nothing in general.

now to smoked chicken and a pond design.

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