Monday, June 11, 2007

soup contest

well, funny enough - i for the first time; am more that happy to have received 2nd place in a contest.

David (of soup peddler fame: see link on sidebar) solicited suggestions for visionary ideas concerning the future of his soupie empire. As usual I enjoy analysis and contemplation of successful situations and enterprises. With commentary and input solicited I mulled options and ideas over in my head as I often do for most issues: during a lunch ride through the hills and along the creeks of west austin. After initial thought I actually put my ramblings to paper while relaxing at O'Hare airport (I've found it odd how airports are such a muse for writing, but it is there often the mood does strike). Final transcribing and one further edit produced the second place winner; more so because the focus was reasonable analysis and usual recommendations rather than options I thought too out-of-the box or small scale.

The winning vision was a CO-OP; which I dismissed as untenable in my inner evaluation. I view them as this more so because of my participation on far too many committees and groups where the frailties and conflict aspects of personalities tend to show themselves. While I am sure a small collaborative is possible, I have yet to see one operate effectively over a long period of time with a singular vision and agreement on how to implement such a vision. The frailties and egos of the human condition present problems that cannot often be solved without a strong leader; which defeats the true spirit of a CO-OP.

Well, for those interested further: please go see the contest results.

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